There have been considerable interests in the development of compact microstrip antennas for personal communication devices. There are a few well-known techniques to reduce the size of the microstrip antenna; (1) use high dielectric substrate (2) application of resistive/reactive loading between patch and ground. Another approach would be increasing the electrical length by optimizing the shape of a microstrip antenna so that its overall size is reduced for a given operating frequency. In this study, meander-type microstrip as well as slot antennas are optimized for miniature system [2], [3] (refer Figure 1). Based on the fact that the horizontal slot line mainly contributes to the radiation of microstrip slot antenna, in this paper we propose a modified meander-type slot antenna as shown in Figure 2. The width of longitudinal-directed slot is narrower than that of the horizontal slots. This method can downsize conventional meander-type antenna without deteriorating the radiation pattern.