I. Introduction
People are suffering from a serious problem of extracting desired information from enormous data scattering in the ever-exploding worldwide web. Recommender systems (RSs) that are able to find their favorites out of massive data are becoming increasingly important for various applications [1]–[10]. The fundamental data source of an RS is a user–item rating matrix [2], [3], [8], where each user’s preference on each item such as movies, music, and another user, is modeled according to his/her user–item usage history. With rapidly growing user and item counts, a user touches a tiny subset of items only. Hence, a rating matrix is inevitably high-dimensional and sparse (HiDS) [8], [13], [16], [50] with numerous missing entries. For instance, the Douban matrix [26] consists of 16830839 known ratings by 129490 users on 58541 items, with 99.78% of its entries missing.