1. Introduction
Facial characteristics have been well explored for identifying and verifying individuals and numerous biometric systems have been deployed in operational applications for many years [21], [23]. The preference towards face based biometric systems is founded on multiple factors such as ease of capture of facial characteristic without invasive imaging, capturing at a stand-off distance both in semi-cooperative (voluntary identification/verification) and uncooperative scenarios (surveillance) [27], [5], [26]. While many of the breakthrough articles detailing iris and vein recognition systems have shown impeccable accuracy with very low false accepts and false rejects, those systems suffer from highly constrained image capturing processes. In order to reach the performance of such iris and vein recognition systems, face biometrics has seen benefits from recent algorithmic advancements, which was focused on features that have been engineered in a robust manner [31], [30], [6], and pre-processing that has been improvised [35] by including end-to-end learning using Deep Neural Networks (DNN) even in large scale applications [26], [39].
Illustration of the influence of ageing on face morphing