I. Introduction
Sha cryptographic algorithms are used to ensure information integrity for embedded system security. It’s a cryptographic hash functions family developed by the US National Security Agency (NSA) and published as standards by the US National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST). It is the appropriate algorithm to secure applications used by the US government agencies. An important feature of the SHA algorithms is that a minor change in the input leads into a major change in the output value [1]. In previous years, SHA-1 and SHA-2 are the most used hash algorithms. Nevertheless, an international competition was announced by the NIST in order to elaborate a new SHA-3 hash function. The competition was finalized in August 2015 and the KECCAK is the new SHA-3 final version [2]. The new developed algorithm is used in many applications requiring a high level of security and integrity such as online internet-based banking, shopping and e-mail authentication. Different KECCAK hash function implementations have been elaborated using different hardware architectures performed using FPGA [3-4-5] and ASIC libraries. In this paper we consider the hardware/software implementation of the SHA3-512 KECCAK algorithm on the LEON3 processor. In fact, the LEON3/GRLIB source code is used to generate the bitstream code for the leon3 single core processor in order to be implemented on a Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA.