There has been extensive on-going research on the control of underactuated electro-mechanical systems for the past two decades. Ball and beam system control is considered as one of the benchmark problems while dealing with underactuated systems. Ball and beam system dynamics are highly nonlinear and complex, which makes it a challenging control problem. Several research studies have been carried out proposing different nonlinear control techniques to achieve the desired control objectives i.e. Stabilization and regulation. The ball position on the beam is controlled using several linear control techniques including PD, PID, LQG and LQR [1], [2]. A research used adaptive state feedback control for position control of the system and compared its performance with a linearized backstepping controller [3]. In another article, the robust controller based on the error convergence was proposed which enhance control performance for the sensor noise [4]. The alternative research on the ball and beam stabilization includes fuzzy based controllers, supervisory controllers, and neural network algorithms based controllers [5]-[9].