I. Introduction
Power has turned to be a vital part that quenches the needs of human thirst for new innovations and implementing new techniques in many ways. The major sources for energy are renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. Non- renewable sources include coal and petroleum products that are getting depleted as days are passing. Soon our only source will be the renewable sources of energy and it would be necessary to figure out new methods to utilize them more efficiently than ever. That would be the only way to quench the ever rising demand. Solar power generation and wind power generation are two renewable sources of energy that are providing very effective output to contribute to the power demands. Variations in solar and wind power generation are mainly due to the uncertain climate, season and the geographical parameters influencing the location of installation. Using these two sources together will cancel out the drawbacks of each source and will produce a continuous and constant hybrid power, which would be a great achievement and potential reply to power demands. Effective and wide implementation of the proposed idea in the paper would be a befitting reply to the increasing power requirements. A major improvement in the wind power generation is that we will be using a coil and magnet arrangement instead of the conventional wind mill arrangement. The coil and magnet arrangement will be more sensitive to the breeze and in result a very little amount of breeze can contribute to the power generation.