I. Introduction
Advanced control techniques for electrical drives are important and have been attracting increasingly much attention in facing the new era of electrical-mobilities and introduction of wide-band-gap power electronic devices. With the explosive development of the electrical vehicles in recent years, effective motor control strategy plays a key role to achieve high efficiency, reliability with low cost. Field oriented control (FOC) and direct torque control (DTC) are two widely used control strategies for high performance electrical drives. However, the transient performance of the FOC is limited because of the constrained bandwidth using cascaded PI controllers. While the control variable ripples for the DTC are considerable and system performances can only be partially optimized with less flexibility, involving an offline designed switching table [1]. Rapid development of the digital controller enables the realization of model predictive control (MPC), which was developed/applied to power electronics and electrical drives in the early 1980s. Well recognized advantages of MPC include simple and intuitive concept, easy inclusion of the multiple objectives and constraints, global optimization and fast dynamics [2]. Many contributions with respect to MPC have been reported, covering different topologies and applications [3]–[5].