I. Introduction
With the advent of the 5G era, wideband transceiver hardware design at millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequencies is more important than ever [1]. While spectrum allocation for next-generation cellular has largely focused on a 28-GHz frequency band, expansion is likely to continue into frequency bands ranging across the mmWave spectrum [2]. Furthermore, modern mobile communications’ applications require the use of cellular and ISM frequency bands ranging across single-digit GHz frequencies. The hardware requirements for next-generation wireless and cellular communication present conflicting design challenges of low power operation for mobile applications, excellent noise performance for reliable communication with complex modulation schemes, and modular or frequency reconfigurable designs for compact, low-cost solutions in a dynamic wireless environment with numerous disparate frequency bands [3], [4]. Generation of mmWave local oscillator (LO) signals which meet the requirements of next-generation cellular hardware remains a particularly difficult design challenge.