I. Introduction
More number of generating units are getting added to the power system network to meet the increasing demand, which increases the fault level of the network grid. Increased fault level needs robust protection, where high voltage circuit breaker plays a vital role. Testing of these circuit breakers to prove its design values is also challenging task for the high power laboratories. As the fault current and operating voltages increases, the required power for testing of these circuit breakers also increases. For example to test a 765kV 63kA single pole circuit breaker 60000MVA installed capacity is required. As of now in the India the maximum rating available for single short circuit generator is 2500MVA, to meet the 60000MVA, 24 generators of this capacity are required to run in parallel, which will have economical and operational difficulties. Testing this HV/EHV class circuit breaker by direct test method is having the following disadvantages.
The very high installed capacities like more number of short circuit generators required.
Installing these generators and running in paralleling is highly difficult and also not economical.
Difficult to achieve the TRV parameter for testing of the circuit breakers