I. Introduction
Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT) is a popular soft-field tomography technique for imaging and real-time monitoring of flow processes. ECT is widely employed to monitor multiphase flows involving gas, oil, and other low permittivity materials in packed bed reactors, trickle bed reactors, and other industrial settings [1]–[16]. Due to their relatively low energy consumption and robustness, packed bed reactors are highly suitable, for example, for space applications [17] such as water filtration [18] and waste water treatment in microgravity environments. However, water-dominated flow imaging has remained a challenge for conventional ECT due to the high permittivity of water [19]–[22]. In the past, Jaworski and Bolton [19] developed an technique to image flow patterns holding water. This approach was predicated on the use of internal electrodes in direct contact with the sensed media, which in many industrial settings cases is impractical. Hasan and Azzopardi have presented a method to image flow patterns of water and other phases, but limited to stratified horizontal flow patterns [23].