I. Introduction
The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Proton Power Upgrade (PPU) project at Oak Ridge National Laboratory doubles the beam power from 1.4 to 2.8 MW by a combination of increased H- beam current from the Ion Source in the accelerator Front End (FE) and increasing the Linac beam energy in the Superconducting Linac (SCL). The increase in H- beam current to 38 mA, measured at the exit of the radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ), has been demonstrated from the existing ion source [1]. Additional beam current margin will be provided by a planned 2018 operational upgrade to the RFQ prior to PPU. The increased beam energy to 1.3 GeV will be achieved by the addition of 28 superconducting acceleration cavities powered by three identical high voltage converter modulators and 28 klystrons. The design and development of a new modulator for PPU is detailed in a paper presented at this conference [2]. Fig.1 shows the layout of the portion of the SNS accelerator complex to be upgraded during the PPU project.
Layout of SNS accelerator complex