I. Introduction
Power transmission expansion planning has been widely studied in the literature for a several decades; the main target is to guarantee the power system still operate properly with changes in load demand, the generation sources, the availability of power devices, or future policy. A transmission expansion planning (TEP) problem is considered as a nonlinear mixed-integer constrained optimization problem [1]–[3]. Depending on the formulation, the objective function can aim to optimize reactive power planning, uncertainty, reliability, etc. For example, in [4], [5] minimizing reactive power planning is considered. The reactive power flows on the transmission lines are reduced significantly by relocated the reactive power sources close to the loads to supply demands. This rearrangement also results in less power losses and thus increases the power system network capacity without building more transmission lines. Another example of TEP problem is considered uncertainties in the objective function. The uncertainties in the power system can be the changes in loads, new integration of renewable energy sources such as wind farms and photovoltatic inverters, or the availability of power components in the future [1], [6], [7]. This formulation relies on statistical and probabilistic models to design the power network [8]–[10].