I. Introduction
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as flying wireless communication platforms has received significant attention recently [1]–[3]. On the one hand, UAVs can be used as wireless relays for improving connectivity of ground wireless devices and extending network coverage. On the other hand, UAVscan act as mobile aerial base stations to provide reliable downlink and uplink communications for ground users, and boost the capacity of wireless networks [3] and [4]. Compared to the terrestrial base stations, the advantage of using UAV-based aerial base stations is their ability to quickly and easily move. Furthermore, the high altitude of UAVs can enable line-of-sight (LoS) communication links to the ground users. Due to the adjustable altitude and mobility, UAVs can move towards potential ground users and establish reliable connections with a low transmit power. Hence, they can provide a cost-effective and energy-efficient solution to collect data from ground mobile users that are spread around a geographical area with limited terrestrial infrastructure.