I. Introduction
The ever increasing need for energy-efficient and highperformance systems has driven the device scaling trends for last few decades [1]–[3]. As a result, nanoscale devices with shrinking dimensions as well as different architectures have been explored for design of energy-efficient and fast integrated circuits and systems. The junctionless field effect transistor (JLFET) has emerged as a strong candidate to replace the conventional metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) due to its simplified fabrication process, adequate current-driving capability to meet modern requirements, and better immunity to short-channel effects (SCEs) [4]. However, innate properties of the JLFET such as high gate work function metal requirement to deplete the heavily doped channel, and impact ionization phenomenon due to high electric field in the channel near the drain region causes time dependent performance degradation. This high electric field generates energetic electrons and holes that get injected into the gate dielectric near to drain region, hence it causes interface states.