I. Introduction
Excessive use of power converters and other nonlinear loads introduces harmonics in network and draws reactive power current from supply. The increase in the reactive power, non-sinusoidal supply voltage and current in power distribution result in many adverse effect such as overheating, poor efficiency, instability, disturbance to other consumer equipment, interference with communication equipment etc. Conventionally passive filters are used to improve power quality but it has various disadvantages of fixed compensation, bulky inductor, no isolation between input and output and resonance [1]. Active power filters are good solution, since they can compensate for reactive power and also solve the harmonic problem. There are two types of active filters: Shunt active power filter & Series active power filter. Shunt APF used to improve shape of source current, whereas series APF can compensate for voltage harmonics and unbalance. Shunt active filter are widely used as they effectively doing compensation and current rating is much less as compared to series filter as it is connected in parallel [2]–[5].