I. Introduction
The rapid growth in popularity of wireless devices, such as smartphones and tablets, and the surge of various mobile applications, such as online social networking and mobile gaming, have resulted in recent booming of data services. The ever growing data services directly lead to the exponential increase in data traffic and the increasing demand for spectrum resource in wireless networks. In parallel with that, recent studies [1], [2] show that even in the most crowed region of big cities (e.g., Washington, Chicago, New York City, etc.), many licensed spectrum blocks are not efficiently utilized in certain geographical areas and are idle most of the time, mainly due to the static spectrum allocation regulation of Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Such circumstances motivate FCC to open up the licensed spectrum bands and search for new innovative technologies to encourage dynamic use of the under-utilized spectrum. As one of the most promising solutions, cognitive radio (CR) technique enables unlicensed secondary users (SUs) to opportunistically access vacant licensed spectrum as long as it does not disrupt the quality of service of licensed spectrum holder, which can significantly improve the utilization of spectrum resource.