I. Introduction
Inter-data-center traffic is increasing exponentially thanks to the rapid spread of cloud computing and mobile services. And the Ethernet data rate has been increasing to handle this huge amount of traffic. 400-gigabit Ethernet (400 GbE) is now in the process of being standardized by an IEEE task force [1] . For long-reach applications, such as 2- and 10-km single-mode-fiber (SMF) transmission, there is the potential to employ a multi-lane interface with a data rate of 8 × 50-Gb/s/λ. And the wavelength band will be 1.3 μm. To meet these requirements, a lumped-electrode electroabsorption modulator integrated with DFB lasers (LE-EADFB lasers) [2]–[5] and directly modulated DFB lasers [6]– [9] have been reported.