I. Introduction
There is an ever-growing need to support faster data rates in future cellular networks and this need has the potential to be met by shifting toward millimeter-wave frequencies (20–100 GHz). In particular, the 28-GHz frequency band is a prime candidate for 5G networks, due to suitable bandwidth, favorable channel characteristics, and the ability to realize power-efficient high-performance hardware in silicon. Link budgets for 28 GHz suggest moderate beamforming for handsets and stronger beamforming at the basestation. As a result, wide-bandwidth, low-area, and scalable phased-array architectures are required for future 28-GHz systems. In this work, we present a dual-vector 28-GHz receive beamformer which employs scalar-only weighting functions within each front-end and global quadrature combining to realize beamforming. Such scalar front ends can be both area-efficient and wide bandwidth. We demonstrate our concept with the realization of a four-element phased-array receive beamformer in SiGe BiCMOS operating at 28 GHz.