I. Introduction
Variational inequality problems (VI) were first introduced in mid-1960s, motivated by the elastostatic equilibrium prob-lems. During the past five decades, this subject has been a powerful framework in modeling a wide range of optimization and equilibrium problems in operations research, engineering, finance, and economics (cf. [1], [2]). Given a set and a mapping , a VI problem, denoted by VI , requires determining an such that for any . In this paper, our interest lies in computation of solutions to VIs with uncertain settings. We consider the case where represents the expected value of a stochastic mapping , i.e., where is a -dimensional random variable and denotes the associated probability space. Consequently, solves VI if{\rm E}[\Phi(x^{\ast}, \xi(\omega))]^{T}(x-x^{\ast})\geq 0,\ {\rm for\ every}\ x\in X.\eqno{\hbox{(1)}}