I. Prologue
The philosophy of LA-FEC and IL-FEC was used in [1], [2] for referring to packet-level and bit-level techniques, respectively. Consequently, we will employ LA-/IL-FEC for referring to packet-/bit-level schemes, respectively. The definitions of packet-level and bit-level notations will be given in Section III.
video processing is required for recording, production, or re-broadcasting of moving images, which has been changing our everyday life ever since the first clip was captured by a video tape recorder in 1951. Since then a number of video compression standards have been conceived for the sake of reducing the number of bits required, while retaining the fidelity of the visual information conveyed by a video clip. The achievable compression ratio has been substantially improved over the past years both as a benefit of advances in video signal processing and microelectronics. This was achieved at the cost of more complex algorithms, but fortunately the spectacular developments in low-power chip design were still capable of mitigating the power-dissipation imposed. We will briefly review the history of video compression standards in Section II-A of this treatise.