I. Introduction
Millimeter wave (mmWave) is a technology that can provide high bandwidth communication links in cellular systems. As mmWave uses larger bandwidths, the corresponding sampling rate of the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) scales up. Unfortunately, high speed, high precision (e.g., 8–12 bits) ADCs are costly and power-hungry for portable devices [1], [2]. A possible solution is to use special ADC structures like a time-interleaved ADC (TI-ADC) architecture where a number of low-speed, high-precision ADCs operate in parallel. The main challenge of the TI-ADC is the mismatch among the sub-ADCs in gain, timing and voltage offset which can cause error floors in receiver performance [3], [4]. An alternative solution is to live with ultra low precision ADCs (1–3 bits), which reduces power consumption and cost.