I. Introduction
In most cases, cloud computing has the advantage over handling data intensive applications as large size graph processing. With storage becoming cheaper and the need to store and retrieve large amounts of graph data, developing systems to handle trillions of graph data requiring tera/peta bytes of disk space is no longer a distant prospect. As yet, many efforts have been done in this aspect. Lichtenwalter presented the design and implementation of a master-worker framework for easily computing distributed graph issues [1]. The framework automatically divides and distributes the workload and manages completion using an arbitrary number of heterogeneous computational resources. Jiang described a system, Extended MATE or Ex-MATE, which supports this alternate API with reduction objects of arbitrary sizes [2]. He evaluated this system using three graph mining applications and compare its performance to that of PEGASUS, a graph mining system implemented based on the original map-reduce API and its Hadoop implementation. Yang proposed a unified distributed method in solving some critical graph mining problems on top of a cluster system with the help of MapReduce [3]. These problems include graph transformation, sub-graph partition, maximal clique enumeration, connected component finding and community detection. Liu et. al. used Hadoop, an open source implementation of MapReduce, to conduct a series of analyses on large-scale social networks including several distributions, clustering coefficient and diameter [4].