I. Introduction
High-Density intracortical recording of extracellular potentials is a method to investigate the complex communication among the overwhelming number of neurons in the brain [1]–[3]. Neuronal densities are about 50 000 , depending on the brain region [4]. However, most of the neurons show only sparse spontaneous activity, reducing the number of neurons recordable simultaneously [5]. The recordable extracellular action potential decreases rapidly as a function of the distance from its source, i.e., the neuronal soma and its axon and dendrites [6], [7]. As a consequence, the positioning of the recording electrodes close to these structures is a prerequisite to distinguish single-unit activity (SUA) from background neuronal activity and thermal electrode noise with sufficient signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) [6]–[9]. Experiments [1]–[3], [6]–[9] and simulation [6] have indicated that a distance of 50 or less is a safe choice for this purpose. At distances over 50 , individual spikes can still be recognized. However, the reliability of spike separation is decreased significantly [7]. with a separation distance of electrodes on a neural probe of about 50 , one can therefore be reasonably confident to be able to detect the potential SUA of any neuronal structure within a distance of 50 from the probe. Depending on the orientation of a neuron and its axon and dendrites with respect to the probe, signals may be recorded on a single electrode or a group of neighboring electrodes [7], [10], [11].