In its widest sense the term gasification covers the conversion of any carbonaceous fuel to a gaseous product with a useable heating value. Currently the dominant technology is the partial oxidation of the fuel [1], which produces a synthesis gas (otherwise known as Syngas) consisting of hydrogen and carbon monoxide in various ratios, whereby the oxidant may be pure oxygen, air, and/or steam. Partial oxidation can be applied to solid, liquid, and gaseous feedstocks, such as coals, residual oils, and natural gas. Nowadays the gasification process is extensively present in modem Integrated Gasification and Combined Cycle (IGCC) plants used for the generation of electric power ([2]). In order to design complex control strategies for supervisory purposes [3] or Model-Based Fault Diagnosis systems, the development of prediction models capable of well fit process data is necessary. Several approaches for the prediction of the Syngas composition based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Dynamic PCA [4], or Robust Neural Estimator [5] or physical-chemical modeling [6] have been proposed. Nevertheless most of them are eligible for solving the optimization problems or the Model-Based Predictive Control