I. Introduction
The current use of centralized air traffic control to ensure aircraft separation is a safe option that has been proven over the years. The process of control is typically through the use of surveillance radars, voice radio systems, limited computer support systems, and numerous complex procedures [1]. With current air traffic control techniques, increasing air traffic volume steadily increases complexity [2] and produces drawbacks such as: system bottlenecks, indirect routing, and lack of navigation freedom for airlines [3], [4], not to mention the increased workload of the ground controllers [5]. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and airlines have proposed the concept of “Free Flight” [6] to eliminate restrictions imposed by the current system and allow for more navigation freedom as well as direct routing. The US is further developing NextGen (Next Generation Air Transportation System) to address the challenges of increasing air traffic volume as well as limitations on operational flexibility [1], [7]. Europe is also further developing SESAR (Single European Sky Air-traffic-management Research program) to address growing problems with their current air traffic operations [8].