I. Introduction
The second-order cone (SOC) in has the formK:=\{x=(x_{0}, x_{1})\in R\times R^{k-1}:x_{0}-\Vert x_{1}\Vert \geq 0\}
, where refers to the Euclidean norm of vectors. In this paper we consider second-order cone programming (SOCP) in standard format(P)\ \min\{c^{T}x: Ax=b, x\in K\}
, where is the Cartesian product of several second-order cones, i.e., , where for each , and . We partition the vector accordingly , with . Furthermore, and . The dual of problem is(D)\ \max\{b^{T}y:A^{T}v+s=c, s\in K\}.
Without loss of generality we assume that has full rank: rank .