I. Introduction
Hydrostatic guide has the advantanges of greater in loadability and dynamic stiffness, higher in accuracy and longer in lifespan, and has became the leading means for modern heavy NC(numerical control) machine tool bearings. Lots of domestic and overseas schoolars and researchers have done great investigation on hydrostatic bearings and guides. Reference [1] applies the finite element method to analyze the static and dynamic performance of hydrostatic bearing with bearing pad having different geometrical structure, the research shows that the combination of the pad with different structure and the parameter of the restrictor is vital important. Refernece [2] introduces the design of the hydrostatic slideway, studies the pressure distribution of the oil film, proposes a technique of computing and analyzing the film stiffness and guide loading capacity with FEM. Reference [3] calculates and analyzes quatitatively and quantatitively the carrying capacity and stiffness of the hydrostatic guide used in machine tool for precision-machining and super precision-machining, puts forward a means of optimazing the guide. References [4], [5], [6] discusse the influence of the oil compressibilty, oil viscosity, oil gap and bearing area on the dynamic characteristics of the guides. Reference [7] investigates experimentally the oil film dynamic stiffness of the hydrostatic bearing with different means of pressure adjusting and flow restricting, theoretical proof has been summarized for the design of the hydrostatic bearing.