I. Introduction
Research in analog-circuit design is focused on low-voltage low-power battery operated equipment to be used as an example in portable equipment, wireless communication products, hearing aids, and consumer electronics. A reduced supply voltage is necessary to decrease power consumption to ensure a reasonable battery lifetime in portable electronics. For the same reason, low-power circuits are also expected to reduce thermal dissipation, of increasing importance with the general trend in minimization. Advancements required by International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), means that with current CMOS standard fabrication processes, circuits must work at supply voltages as low as 1.5 V. Working at lower voltages poses new constraints, especially important for the specific case of analog design. However, a reduction in performance is not desirable. Nevertheless, going to lower voltages and higher efficiencies require innovative circuits to solve current design needs of faster circuits and better performance [1].