I. Introduction
The synthesis of equispaced linear array patterns with a shaped beam has been considered by some authors in the specialized literature [1]. There are many applications where the antenna pattern is required to be shaped to achieve a desired effect. In this paper a technique for the synthesis of shaped beam antenna pattern of a linear array is described. The fields radiated from a linear array are a superposition of the fields radiated by each element in the presence of other elements. Each element has an excitation parameter and this can be individually adjusted so that the excitation can be as desired. The excitation of each element will be complex, with amplitude and phase. Antenna array synthesis essentially involves determination of the amplitude and phase of the elements that will produce a desired radiation pattern. The synthesis of an antenna array with a specific radiation pattern, limited by several constraints is a nonlinear optimization problem. Tabu search method provides an efficient way to choose the design parameters. Although this method has been successfully applied in many areas such as Digital communication [2], signal processing [3], it is not well known to the electromagnetic community. It is the goal of this paper to introduce Tabu search technique to the electromagnetic community and demonstrate its great potential in electromagnetic optimizations.