Fuzzy control is an intelligent control method as it can incorporate a priori knowledge into controller and does not need mathematics model of the controlled system for control design [1], [2], [3], [4]. Neural network is another intelligent control method, it can be trained to get desired con-trol objective. However, pure fuzzy control or neural network control cannot guarantee the performance of the controlled systems, not even the basic stability. Because of this, the development of this control method is restrictive. It is well-known that adaptive systems have the ability of online learning, it can achieve good control effect when there are unknown parameters in the control system [5], [6], [7], [8]. But it requires mathematics model of the controlled system, even though the model can contain some unknown parameters, and the unknown parameters must be linear ones. So any of these methods exists some drawbacks, though all of them have achieved many successes. The combination of them may take the advantages and compensate for the disadvantages of each method.