I. Introduction
To meet the ever-increasing demands for higher data-rates in wireless communication, modern wireless standards are moving to multi-antenna architectures. There is renewed interest in operating at the millimeter frequencies as the congestion at the lower ISM bands are increasing. Commercial systems prefer silicon-based technologies (CMOS/BiCMOS) for cost-related advantages and integration levels. With improvements in technology, silicon is rapidly closing its frequency gap with III-V technologies. Modern 65-nm CMOS and 130-nm BiCMOS processes offer beyond 200-GHz. This has led to extensive research in building silicon-based solutions for mm-wave commercial and defense applications [1]–[5]. Millimeter frequencies of commercial interest include 24GHz (for automotive radar and wireless communication), 60GHz (for wireless communication), 77 GHz (for automotive radar) and certain sub-bands in the W-band (for passive imaging).