I. Nomenclature
One-layer soil ground resistance of grid conductors (in ohms).
One-layer soil ground resistance of ground rods (in ohms).
One-layer soil mutual ground resistance between the grid conductors and ground rods (in ohms).
One-layer soil substation ground resistance (in ohms).
Uniform soil resistivity (in ohms–meters).
Total length grid conductors (in meters).
Diameter of grid conductor (in meters).
Depth of ground grid conductor (in meters).
Total area enclosed by ground grid .
Quantity of ground rods placed in area A.
Length of ground rod at each location (in meters).
Radius of ground rod (in meters).
Length of area occupied by the ground grid (in meters).
Width of area occupied by the ground grid (in meters).
Measured soil resistivity data obtained at different spacing in the Wenner four-pin method (in ohms-meters).
Number of measurements.
Two-layer soil model reflection factor.
Apparent soil resistivity (in ohms-meters).
Upper-layer soil resistivity (in ohms-meters).
Lower-layer soil resistivity (in ohms-meters).
Depth of the reflection boundary (in meters).
Two-layer soil ground resistance of grid conductors (in ohms).
Coefficient of burying.
Correction term due to lower-layer (in ohms).
Single mesh length in x direction (in meters).
Single mesh length in y direction (in meters).
Area shape factor.
The peripheral length of the grid (in meters).
Depth of upper layer (in meters).
Two-layer soil ground resistance of ground rods buried in lower layer (in ohms).
Ground resistance of a single ground rod (in ohms).
Ground resistance of the solid sleeve surface area S (in ohms).
Effective radius of the rodbed (in meters).
Two-layer soil substation ground resistance (in ohms).
Tolerable touch voltage for human with 50-kg body weight (in volts).
Tolerable touch voltage for human with 70-kg body weight (in volts).
Duration of shock current (in seconds).
Reduction factor for derating the nominal value of the surface layer soil resistivity.
GPRGround potential rise (in volts).
Maximum grid current that flows between ground grid and surrounding earth (in amperes).
Maximum ground fault current (in amperes).
Current division factor.
Current decrement factor.