I. Introduction
Since the 1980s, fuzzy technique has been widely adopted to model complex nonlinear plants. Theoretical justification of fuzzy model as a universal approximator has been given in the last decade [9], [12], [23]. A very important class of fuzzy systems, which has gained much popularity recently because of its success in functional approximation, is the so-called Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy system [15]. The basic idea in this kind of fuzzy systems is first to decompose the model of a nonlinear system or other kinds of complex systems into linear systems in accordance with the cases for which linear models are suitable to describe and then to aggregate (fuzzy blend) each individual model (linear model) into a single nonlinear model in terms of their membership function. As is well known, the key problem in this approach is to what degree the nonlinear system can be approximated by a convex (fuzzy) blending of several linear systems. Now T-S model has found wide applications in the control of complex systems, for example, in the control of robot manipulators [10] and complex processes [6].