1. Introduction
Since the invention of the computer, content has been tailored towards a specific device, mainly by hand. Computer applications have generally been developed with specific computer's capabilities in mind, various sized video has been produced so that the user can select their choice based on the one most likely to run best, and even different formats have been provided in order that it can run on different types of machines. In recent years, this trend of multiple devices, multiple content (MDMC), is slowly shifting towards multiple devices, single content (MDSC), with great advantage both to the content provider and the end user. Firstly, only a single (usually high quality) content need be provided for an entire suite of devices, and secondly the user is provided with content that is optimised and fits not only the requirements of the device, but the network, and the user's own, often specific, preferences. This highly motivating goal can only be achieved within the framework of standardisation; and in this case the Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG); this is mainly due to the extensibility and range of applications to which this can be taken. Though early work in MPEG-7, e.g. proposed by Heuer et al [1], adapts certain types of content, this kind of MDSC concept is being constructed under the framework of Digital Item Adaptation (DIA) - a Digital Item being the MPEG name given to any media type or content, adaptation because it is being scaled, rather than changed, from its original form into something that is tailored towards the context of the user and the user's equipment. DIA is part of the MPEG-21 framework [2], for content control, and is in its final stages of standardisation.