1. Introduction
Parallel redundant operation system using multiple power supply modules is suitable and acceptable for power supply system used in high reliability telecommunication system. This type of operation system is already in general use in the field of DC UPS [1] [2], [3]. On the other hand, in the AC UPS field as well, such operation systems have been developed in recent years, and are being practically used. Three prototype power supply modules are developed: single-phase 100V 2kVA module, single-phase 200V 3kVA module, and three-phase 200V 2.5kVA module. Using these modules makes. it possible to economically configure high-performance, high-reliability AC UPS systems capable of parallel redundant operation. Any desired number of modules can be connected in parallel and are capable of redundant operation. Using these modules make it possible to economically configure high-performance, high-reliability AC UPS systems capable of parallel redundant operation. In this paper, the circuit configuration, system configuration, and control strategy are presented and the excellent characteristics of this system are evaluated on the basis of experimental results.