I. Introduction
Humans in the driving tasks are getting assistance or replacement with the application and development of Autonomous Vehicle (A V) techniques. Integrated with the connectivity, AVs are upgraded to the Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) capable of communicating with the surrounding vehicles and infrastructures. Driving decision is one of the critical driving tasks. There are three levels of driving decisions including operational level (e.g., brake, pedal), tactical level (e.g., lane-keeping, lane-changing), and strategic level (e.g., routing) [1]. In the tactical level, the lateral control decision (lane-changing) is much more complex than the longitudinal control decision (car-following or lane-keeping) [2]. Because a lane-changing decision (LCD) needs to consider not only the willingness of driver/system but also the impact from multiple surrounding objects. Besides, to conduct a good lane change decision, it has to achieve both macroscopic level benefits (including traffic safety, traffic efficiency, etc. [3]) and the microscopic level benefits (including minimizing speed fluctuation, increasing the ride comfort, etc. [4]). It adds challenges to the modeling of the LCD for an AV.