1. Introduction
Keypoint localization aims to locate target keypoints from an input image and is a fundamental task in the field of computer vision. It has a wide range of applications in human pose estimation [21], [26]–[28] and facial landmark detection [19], et al. Existing methods for keypoint localization can be summarized into two categories: heatmap-based [21], [29], [31] and regression-based [10], [23], [25], respectively. Regression-based method directly adopts neural network to learn the mapping from input RGB image to key-point coordinates. Heatmap-based method uses a probability map (also referred as heatmap) to encode the likelihood of the target location and retrieves it by selecting location with the highest probability.
Illustration of (Top) regression-based method, (Middle) standard heatmap-based method, and (Bottom) the proposed SAR for keypoint localization.