I. Introduction
Usage of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, involving sensors for obtaining the information of the soil, weather, and crop, etc., for automating the watering, is called smart irrigation. The objective is to increase crop yield, while reducing the consumption of power and water [1]. It also helps plan beforehand, the demand, supply, and storage of water. This irrigation depends on the weather predictions, soil conditions and crop type [2]. Smart irrigation has advanced significantly because of the merger of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and big data, with IoT. It has been realized that smart irrigation is essential in agriculture 4.0 and is crucial for increasing the global food production efficiency. Agriculture 4.0 aims to not just grow more food with minimum resources, but also improve efficiency of the overall ecosystem, by incorporating powerful data analysis, intelligent automation, and decisionmaking [3], [4] and [5].