1 Introduction
Output tracking is one of the central problems in control theory. The main objective of output tracking is to find a control such that the performance output of the control plant can track the given reference signal in the presence of disturbance. One of the main difficulties in output tracking is the disturbance treatment. There are many approaches to cope with disturbance in the problem of partial differential equation control. These include adaptive control [1], sliding mode control [2], active disturbance rejection control [3] and internal model principle (IMP) [4], [5]. In [6], performance output tracking for a wave equation with measurement/disturbance collocated configuration is considered by the method of active disturbance rejection control. The regulation problem for 1-d wave equation is considered in [7] where disturbance is dealt with by the adaptive control. However, the reference signal to be tracked and the disturbance to be rejected usually are might not be available in real-world applications.