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Practical Performance of Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy with a High-Voltage TEM up to 1,000 kV


Year: 1996 | Volume: 45, Issue: 4 | Journal Article |
The performance of energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) with a new analytical high-voltage TEM is reported. A detector with an ultrathin window was designed to set in a horizontal position, and shielding devices of apertures and metal blocks were specially inserted into the column to reduce stray X-rays generated by primary electrons up to 1,000 kV. The characteristic X-ray spectra of type-3...Show More

Practical Performance of Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy with a High-Voltage TEM up to 1,000 kV


Year: 1996 | Volume: 45, Issue: 4 | Journal Article |
This paper describes recently developed Silicon Drift Detectors dedicated to high resolution time- and energy-resolved X-ray imaging. We will discuss the design features and performances of the Controlled Drift Detector (CDD), a new detector topology featuring 2-D position sensing and energy spectroscopy of X-rays in the range 1-20 keV with a frame rate up to 100 kHz. In addition we will discuss t...Show More
Here we present a laboratory study that compares a range of approaches for plastics identification: XRF (X-ray fluorescence), ATR-FTIR (attenuated total reflectance - Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy), NIR (near-infrared) reflectance spectroscopy, and LIBS (laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy) as a key step in developing field-going plastics sensors for studying marine debris and microplas...Show More
Evolution of structural, optical, and magnetic properties has been investigated for sol-gel-grown spinel Fe/sub x/Co/sub 3-x/O/sub 4/ thin films as the Fe composition (x) increases from 0 to 2. The crystal structure of Fe/sub x/Co/sub 3-x/O/sub 4/ is found to remain cubic with the lattice constant increasing with increasing x. Coexistence of two phases is observed by X-ray diffraction for 0.76/spl...Show More
In the present work, polycrystalline ferromagnetic Zn0.95Co0.05O samples have been synthesized in a TM011 single mode cylindrical microwave resonant cavity operating at 2.45 GHz. The synthesized specimen is analyzed for its crystallographic and electronic structure along with magnetic and electron transport properties. The X-ray diffractogram and photoelectron spectroscopy of Zn0.95Co0.05O establi...Show More
Coherent {\rm Si}_{ 1-x}{\rm Ge}_{ x} island growth by molecular beam epitaxy is studied for a fixed growth temperature but for different Ge concentrations in the range 0.37 \leq{x}\leq 0.56. A combined transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy characterization of the samples showed that during growth the Ge migrates towards the center of the large islands to ...Show More
In the present study three types of oxide \text{LnVO}_{4}:\text{Eu}^{3+} (Ln = Gd, Y, La) nanocrystals with variable valence ions and different sizes and shapes were investigated. We have experimentally demonstrated that a decrease in nanocrystals size leads to an increase of the reduced vanadium ion content. Synthesized nanocrystals were characterized by HR-TEM, XRD and XPS methods. XPS method ...Show More
Sensor-based sorting has had a wide range of industrial use in automating and speeding up the process which requires substances or objects to be segregated from each other. The high demand for goods including raw materials, food, minerals, and waste recycling has increased the pressure for high-speed sorting. The first part of this paper presents a comprehensive theoretical and practical survey an...Show More
Synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy techniques have been employed for the investigation on Si-based layer structures for sub-micron Si-IC Applications. The high energy synchrotron radiation light sources have produced plenty of X-ray lines with high index diffraction and strong X-ray photoelectron emissions. The useful information will increase our understa...Show More
The authors demonstrated that by applying non-adiabatic-self-phase-matching the photon flux and cut-off can be increased allowing EXAFS measurements in the keV range. By evaluating the fine structure of the static X-ray absorption spectra near the L-edge of Ti and Cu, and the K-edge of Al and Si we determined the atomic distance of amorphous samples.Show More
Monolithic arrays of Silicon Drift Detectors (SDDs) have been employed successfully in X-ray spectroscopy and /spl gamma/-ray imaging applications. Thanks to the low electronics noise achieved at short shaping time, the SDD is an ideal device for high-resolution and high-rate X-ray spectroscopy experiments at synchrotron sources. Moreover, small monolithic arrays of SDDs have also been used as pho...Show More
Superconducting tunnel junction (STJ) X-ray spectrometers have been developed for synchrotron-based high-resolution soft X-ray spectroscopy. We are quantifying the improvements in sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio that STJ spectrometers can offer for the analysis of dilute specimens over conventional semiconductor and grating spectrometers. We present analytical equations to quantify the impro...Show More
X-ray absorption spectroscopy at sub-keV energies dictates the use of detectors that can attain a good signal-to-noise ratio. We report a recent study undertaken at Science and Technology Facilities Council, Daresbury Laboratory to evaluate the performance of a gas electron multiplier (GEM) for this purpose. The main impetus of this study was to investigate the relevant parameters such as the effe...Show More
The crystallinity of sheets of poly(ether ether ketone) (PEEK) was changed by thermal treatments conducted at 295 °C for various periods and their terahertz (THz) and Fourier-transform infrared absorption (FT-IR) spectra were obtained. As a result, it has been confirmed that an absorption peak appears at around 3.5 THz in the sheet samples that exhibit clear X-ray diffraction patterns at 2Θ = 18.8...Show More
This research studies on VUV/O3-treated aromatic polyurea film from near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra. These spectra indicate that the benzene ring was cleaved after the treatment, and carboxyl and hydroxyl groups were formed at the cleaved sites. The VUV/O3-treated polyurea was applied to polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) microchip f...Show More
X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy were used to study the structure and the element chemical states of plasma-based ion implantation (PBII) nitriding M50 steel. An ~70-nm-thick oxygen-rich layer was formed in the surface after PBII treatment, where C and V elements were absent, Cr and Mo elements were in the manner of oxide, and Fe element was in the manner of Fe3O4 and i...Show More
Laboratory and field Hyperspectral spectroscopy have been widely used for the study of contaminated soils, in particular by predicting the content of heavy metal [1] [2]. The characterization of risk minerals using hyperspectral spectroscopy has however not been addressed. The proposed methodology consists in the characterization of risk minerals in order to predict their contents within agricultu...Show More
Silicon diodes have traditionally been the detectors of choice for quantitative X-ray spectroscopy. Their response has been very well characterized and existing software algorithms process the spectra for accurate, quantitative analysis. But Si diodes have limited sensitivity at energies above 30 keV, while recent regulations require measurement of heavy metals such as lead and mercury, with K X-r...Show More
In this study, a new technique was used in order to detect honeybee's authenticity. Pure honey and adulterated honey were characterized by using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). To prepare the adulterated honey, sugar adulterants (glucose) was diluted into pure honey. The adulterant concentration is measured by 2% and 4% adulteration with 0% adulteration represents as the reference for pure honey. Ultravi...Show More
(FePt)/sub 1-x/Cu/sub x/ nanoparticles were prepared by the simultaneous polyol reduction of platinum acetylacetonate and copper acetylacetonate, and the thermal decomposition of Fe carbonyl. The addition of copper reduces the transition temperature of disordered fcc structure to ordered L1/sub 0/ by about 50/spl deg/C-100/spl deg/C. Together with the X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and X-ray absor...Show More
Antimony sulpho-telluride (Sb2(S1-x, Tex)3) thin films hold immense potential for optoelectronic applications. However, a comprehensive understanding of their morphology and chemical composition is crucial for optimizing device performance. This study aims to address this knowledge gap by investigating the structural and compositional properties of these films. To achieve this, antimony sulpho-tel...Show More
In this study, pulsed dc reactive sputtering of aluminum nitride (AlN) thin films was investigated. The aluminum nitride thin films were deposited on Si (100) using a reactive direct current (DC) unbalanced magnetron sputtering system. The DC reactive sputtering was used in sputtering the aluminum targets in a mixture of argon (Ar) and nitrogen (N2) plasma. Processes of aluminum target sputtering ...Show More
A compositional study of silicon rich oxide (SRO) films obtained by low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) and plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) is presented. As deposited and annealed SRO films were characterized by mean Infrared (IR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) techniques. IR spectra from SRO obtained by PECVD showed absorption bands related to silicon-hydr...Show More
MnTe layers of high crystalline quality were successfully grown on Si(111) and Al2O3(0001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. We have investigated the structure, magnetic and electric transport properties of MnTe layers by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometer, physical properties measurement system (PPMS), and X-ray photoelectron spectr...Show More