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With completion of web worldwide network, its users and applications have been increased too. Nowadays, one of these applications is advertising, purchase and sale of business products that has changed the websites into a complementary media and an extensive and universal context for branding and doing commercial deals. During the recent decade, minimalism has found great applications in designing...Show More
High-quality panoramic images with a Field of View (FoV) of 360° are essential for contemporary panoramic computer vision tasks. However, conventional imaging systems come with sophisticated lens designs and heavy optical components. This disqualifies their usage in many mobile and wearable applications where thin and portable, minimalist imaging systems are desired. In this paper, we propose a Pa...Show More
Qian and Wiederhold (1991) presented an algorithm for the incremental recomputation of relational algebra expressions that was claimed to preserve a certain minimality condition. This condition guarantees that the incremental change sets do not contain any unnecessary tuples; so, redundant computations are not performed. We show that, in fact, their algorithm violates this condition. We present an...Show More
A well-known result from linear system theory states that the minimal inner size of a factorization of the Hankel matrix H of a system gives the minimal order of a realization. In this work it is shown that when dealing with positive linear systems, the existence of a factorization of the Hankel matrix into two nonnegative matrices is only a necessary condition for the existence of a positive real...Show More
Problems with causality, minimality and inconsistency arise in delay systems when the derivative of the time delay exceeds one. We seek to resolve such problems by proper analysis of the structural properties of a system with time-variant delay and propose new interpretations for such systems, via ‘causalization’: lossless and forgetful. The results are applicable to systems with piecewise constan...Show More

The Effect of the Distributed Test Architecture on the Power of Testing


The Computer Journal
Year: 2008 | Volume: 51, Issue: 4 | Journal Article |
Cited by: Papers (14)
There has been much interest in testing from finite-state machines (FSMs). If the system under test can be modelled by the (minimal) FSM N then testing from an (minimal) FSM M is testing to check that N is isomorphic to M. In the distributed test architecture, there are multiple interfaces/ports and there is a tester at each port. This can introduce controllability/synchronization and observabilit...Show More

The Effect of the Distributed Test Architecture on the Power of Testing


Year: 2008 | Volume: 51, Issue: 4 | Journal Article |
This paper reports on a model to assess the current and future states of a monitored system based on measured condition monitoring information to date. The true state of the system is unobservable, but is assumed to be related to the measured condition monitoring information in a stochastic way. We further assume that the transition of the system state follows a time-dependent Markov chain which h...Show More

The collapse of the bounded width hierarchy

Journal of Logic and Computation
Year: 2016 | Volume: 26, Issue: 3 | Journal Article |
Cited by: Papers (4)
We show that every constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) over a fixed constraint language that has bounded relational width has also relational width (2,3). Together with known results this gives a trichotomy: a CSP has either relational width 1, or relational width (2,3) (and no smaller relational width), or does not have bounded relational width. A consequence of this result is that if $\Gamma$ ...Show More

The collapse of the bounded width hierarchy

Year: 2016 | Volume: 26, Issue: 3 | Journal Article |

Practical stabilization of a class of switched systems: dwell-time approach


IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
Year: 2015 | Volume: 32, Issue: 4 | Journal Article |
Cited by: Papers (3)
This paper addresses a problem of robust stabilization for a class of switched systems in the presence of bounded perturbations. We consider non-linear dynamic models under arbitrary switching mechanisms. The practical stabilization method we propose is carried out by a linear-type feedback switching control strategy subject to an average dwell-time scheme. We apply the newly elaborated (extended)...Show More

Practical stabilization of a class of switched systems: dwell-time approach


Year: 2015 | Volume: 32, Issue: 4 | Journal Article |
The author suggests that minimal manuals don't appeal to everyone, and that these nonminimalists can be identified and catered to. He identifies different type of learners and how they learn. For example, dynamic learners would be impatient with direct instruction, would probably ignore the instruction, and just experiment. Focused learners are likely to be highly responsive to an authoritative co...Show More

Model Learning and Test Generation Using Cover Automata


The Computer Journal
Year: 2015 | Volume: 58, Issue: 5 | Journal Article |
Cited by: Papers (2)
We propose an approach which, given a state-transition model of a system, constructs, in parallel, an approximate automaton model and a test suite for the system. The approximate model construction relies on a variant of Angluin's automata learning algorithm, adapted to finite cover automata. A finite cover automaton represents an approximation of the system that only considers sequences of length...Show More

Model Learning and Test Generation Using Cover Automata


Year: 2015 | Volume: 58, Issue: 5 | Journal Article |

A Study of a Positive Fragment of Path Queries: Expressiveness, Normal Form and Minimization


The Computer Journal
Year: 2011 | Volume: 54, Issue: 7 | Journal Article |
Cited by: Papers (1)
We study the expressiveness of a positive fragment of path queries, denoted Path+, on documents that can be represented as node-labeled trees. The expressiveness of Path+ is studied from two angles. First, we establish that Path+ is equivalent in expressive power to two particular subfragments, as well as to the class of tree queries, a subclass of the first-order conjunctive queries defined over ...Show More

A Study of a Positive Fragment of Path Queries: Expressiveness, Normal Form and Minimization


Year: 2011 | Volume: 54, Issue: 7 | Journal Article |

Base Revision for Ontology Debugging


Journal of Logic and Computation
Year: 2009 | Volume: 19, Issue: 5 | Journal Article |
Cited by: Papers (1)
Belief Revision deals with the problem of adding new information to a knowledge base in a consistent way. Ontology Debugging, on the other hand, aims to find the axioms in a terminological knowledge base which caused the base to become inconsistent. In this article, we propose a belief revision approach in order to find and repair inconsistencies in ontologies represented in some description logic...Show More

Base Revision for Ontology Debugging


Year: 2009 | Volume: 19, Issue: 5 | Journal Article |

On the Minimality of Stream X-machines

The Computer Journal
Year: 2003 | Volume: 46, Issue: 3 | Journal Article |
Cited by: Papers (1)
One approach to formally specifying a system is to use a form of extended finite-state machine called a stream X-machine. A stream X-machine is a type of X-machine that describes a system as a finite set of states, each with an internal store, called memory, and a number of transitions between the states. A stream X-machine may be modelled by a finite automaton (the associated finite automaton) in...Show More

On the Minimality of Stream X-machines

Year: 2003 | Volume: 46, Issue: 3 | Journal Article |

Robust normative systems and a logic of norm compliance


Logic Journal of the IGPL
Year: 2010 | Volume: 18, Issue: 1 | Journal Article |
Cited by: Papers (1)
Although normative systems, or social laws, have proved to be a highly influential approach to coordination in multi-agent systems, the issue of compliance to such normative systems remains problematic. In all real systems, it is possible that some members of an agent population will not comply with the rules of a normative system, even if it is in their interests to do so. It is therefore importa...Show More

Robust normative systems and a logic of norm compliance


Year: 2010 | Volume: 18, Issue: 1 | Journal Article |

A note on radial basis function interpolant limits


IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
Year: 2010 | Volume: 30, Issue: 2 | Journal Article |
Cited by: Papers (1)
Radial basis functions (RBFs) are very useful in multivariate interpolation because of their ability to produce highly accurate results for scattered data. Many of them, especially the Gaussian RBF and the multiquadric RBF, contain parameters that need to be adjusted in order to improve the approximations. In fact, it is often of interest to let the parameters tend to certain limits. Here we study...Show More

A note on radial basis function interpolant limits


Year: 2010 | Volume: 30, Issue: 2 | Journal Article |
The method of generalized projections is applied to the multilayer feedforward neural network problem to derive a new learning algorithm. This learning rule is called the projection-method learning rule (PMLR). The authors apply the PMLR to a well-known pattern recognition problem, which cannot be solved by a linear discriminant scheme. The PMLR is compared with the error backpropagation learning ...Show More

Static Program Slicing Algorithms are Minimal for Free Liberal Program Schemas


The Computer Journal
Year: 2005 | Volume: 48, Issue: 6 | Journal Article |
Cited by: Papers (1)
Program slicing is an automated source code extraction technique that has been applied to a number of problems including testing, debugging, maintenance, reverse engineering, program comprehension, reuse and program integration. In all these applications the size of the slice is crucial; the smaller the better. It is known that statement minimal slices are not computable, but the question of dataf...Show More

Static Program Slicing Algorithms are Minimal for Free Liberal Program Schemas


Year: 2005 | Volume: 48, Issue: 6 | Journal Article |

The first-order theory of the computably enumerable equivalence relations in the uncountable setting


Journal of Logic and Computation
Year: 2021 | Volume: 32, Issue: 1 | Journal Article |
We generalize the analysis of Andrews, Schweber and Sorbi of the first-order theory of the partial order of degrees of c.e. equivalence relations to higher computability theory, specifically to the setting of a regular cardinal.Show More

The first-order theory of the computably enumerable equivalence relations in the uncountable setting


Year: 2021 | Volume: 32, Issue: 1 | Journal Article |
Definitions given herein apply specifically to semiconductor components used for rectification or control of electric power, or both. For the purpose of this standard, a semiconductor rectifier component is a semiconductor rectifier cell, rectifier diode, or rectifier stack. Note that the name of the actual semiconductor material (selenium, silicon, etc.) may be substituted in place of the word "s...Show More
We give a direct geometric interpretation of the path model using galleries in the 1-skeleton of the Bruhat–Tits building associated with a semi-simple algebraic group. This interpretation allows us to compute the coefficients of the expansion of the Hall–Littlewood polynomials in the monomial basis. The formula we obtain is a “geometric compression” of the one proved by Schwer, its specialization...Show More

Several properties of invariant pairs of nonlinear algebraic eigenvalue problems


IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
Year: 2014 | Volume: 34, Issue: 3 | Journal Article |
We analyse several important properties of invariant pairs of nonlinear algebraic eigenvalue problems of the form T(λ)v=0. Invariant pairs are generalizations of invariant subspaces associated with block Rayleigh quotients of square matrices to a nonlinear matrix-valued function T(·). They play an important role in the analysis of nonlinear eigenvalue problems and algorithms. In this paper, we fir...Show More

Several properties of invariant pairs of nonlinear algebraic eigenvalue problems


Year: 2014 | Volume: 34, Issue: 3 | Journal Article |

Theta functions and Szegö kernels


International Mathematics Research Notices
Year: 2003 | Volume: 2003, Issue: 24 | Journal Article |
We study relations between two fundamental constructions associated to vector bundles on a smooth complex projective curve; the theta function (a section of a line bundle on the moduli space of vector bundles) and the Szegö kernel (a section of a vector bundle on the square of the curve). Two types of relations are demonstrated. First, we establish a higher-rank version of the prime form, describi...Show More

Theta functions and Szegö kernels


Year: 2003 | Volume: 2003, Issue: 24 | Journal Article |

Divisors on Graphs, Connected Flags, and Syzygies


International Mathematics Research Notices
Year: 2014 | Volume: 2014, Issue: 24 | Journal Article |
We study the binomial and monomial ideals arising from linear equivalence of divisors on graphs from the point of view of Gröbner theory. We give an explicit description of a minimal Gröbner bases for each higher syzygy module. In each case, the given minimal Gröbner bases is also a minimal generating set. The Betti numbers of the binomial ideal and its natural initial ideal coincide and they corr...Show More

Divisors on Graphs, Connected Flags, and Syzygies


Year: 2014 | Volume: 2014, Issue: 24 | Journal Article |

Minimal cones with isotropic links


International Mathematics Research Notices
Year: 2006 | Volume: 2006, Issue: 9 | Journal Article |
We show that any closed oriented immersed isotropic minimal surface Σ with genus gΣ in S5 ⊂ ℂ3 is (1) Legendrian (and totally geodesic) if gΣ = 0; (2) either Legendrian or with exactly 2gΣ − 2 Legendrian points if gΣ ≥ 1. In general, any compact oriented immersed isotropic minimal submanifold Ln − 1 ⊂ S2n − 1 ⊂ ℂn must be Legendrian if its first Betti number is zero. Corresponding results for nono...Show More

Minimal cones with isotropic links


Year: 2006 | Volume: 2006, Issue: 9 | Journal Article |