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IEEE Xplore Search Results

Showing 1-25 of 700 resultsfor


A finite-difference lattice Boltzmann method for incompressible flow was applied to the laminar and turbulent Poiseuille flows numerically. For the turbulence model, the Smagorinsky model was adopted. Lattice refinement was successfully introduced in the vicinity of walls.Show More

Adaptive lattice Boltzmann model for compressible flows


Tsinghua Science and Technology
Year: 2000 | Volume: 5, Issue: 1 | Journal Article |
A new lattice Boltzmann model for compressible flows is presented. The main difference from the standard lattice Boltzmann model is that the particle velocities are no longer constant, but vary with the mean velocity and internal energy. The adaptive nature of the particle velocities permits the mean flow to have a high Much number. The introduction of a particle potential energy makes the model s...Show More

Adaptive lattice Boltzmann model for compressible flows


Year: 2000 | Volume: 5, Issue: 1 | Journal Article |
The aim of the present work is to predict the flow field around an elliptic obstacle at different orientations inside a square Lid-Driven Cavity (LDC). The Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) is used to simulate the flow at a Reynolds number, Re, of 100, using the two-dimensional nine-velocity, (D2Q9) lattice configuration and the BGK collision operator. The in-house code is validated using data from t...Show More
A novel methodology based on the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is proposed for the prediction of air-bearing performance. We examined the feasibility of our method by using the second-order slip model as a case study. Extension of our approach using the database obtained from the Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) can be performed to develop an air-bearing design tool for complex geometry. LBM ca...Show More
Three dimensional computations have been carried out using Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) and Finite Volume Method (FVM) for the case of flow past a stationary sphere. The Reynolds number of the mean flow have been varied from 50 to 300 during which flow transitions from steady state to unsteady state. The LBM simulations were carried out using the open source solver Palabos developed in the Unive...Show More
The buoyancy-driven gas flow (air) confined within an enclosed square-section cavity with isothermal walls is investigated numerically using the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). The right side of the enclosure is partially heated by a hot chip, while, the left one is completely kept at cold temperature. However, the horizontal walls and apart from the chip are kept adiabatic. The buoyancy effect in...Show More
The aim of this paper is to analyze the OpenMP performances in order to simulate the lid driven cavity flow using Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM). The LBM is known as a robust method to approximate the Navier-Stokes solutions. However, this method has a high computational cost due to the huge discrete approximations which are described into several lattices. In lid driven cavity simulations, the re...Show More
The lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is utilized to simulate the nanoscale flow physics of air bearings in the head-disk interface. In the high Knudsen number flow analysis of air bearings, the slip boundary model is very important to guarantee the accuracy of solution. In this paper, the Langmuir slip model for the rarefied gas flow was incorporated and its feasibility and accuracy was examined in ...Show More
The lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) for blood flow has been applied, the lattice Boltzmann model used in two dimensions and nine directions (D2Q9), solving by the Navier-Stokes (NS) equation with the Lattice Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook (LBGK) method and the equation of continuity with the Poiseuille's law to describe the behavior of the blood flow. In this work a LBM is used to simulate blood flow in cas...Show More
The effect of components’ thermal properties in addition to their geometric configuration on the developed thermal stress in a model printed circuit board (PCB) is investigated. This effect is quantified through three parameters, the average normalized temperature gradient, maximum normalized temperature gradient and the uniformity factor. It is found that the effect of the geometric configuration...Show More
The thermal and hydrodynamic performance of plate-fin heat sinks is investigated numerically using the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM). The effect of the spacing between the fins (i.e. flow blockage) and the flow rate (i.e. Reynolds number) on both the thermal and hydrodynamic performance is studied for the low flow rate range. The Thermal Performance Factor TPF is used to weigh the gain in the the...Show More
A simulation model of gas migration and hindering based on separated multi-component lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is put forward in order to research gas migration and accumulation on underground tunnel and to prevent major accident in mines. The tunnel is separated into some relative regular blocks through the separated & coupled algorithm and the multi-component LBM is adopted. The gas emissio...Show More
Motion of particles in two-phase flow between two rotary pads is simulated with coupled lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) and discrete element method (DEM), in which the LBM is used for calculating the fluid flow, while the DEM for accounting for the interaction between the moving particles, both the particles and the pads are constructed by the 'boundary' in LBM. Numerically, flow field on the down-...Show More
Solving the level set equation of the geodesic active contour (GAC) model in image segmentation typically requires a large number of complicated calculations. To reduce the computing time, we propose a Lattice Boltzmann (LB) Method based partial differential equation solver for the level set equation. The advantages of the LB method are large time steps (thus less iterations) and easy for parallel...Show More
The paper presents the performance optimization of implementation of the Lattice Boltzmann method on ARUZ, a massively parallel FPGA-based simulator located in Lodz, Poland. Compared to previous publications, a performance improvement of 46% has been achieved on D2Q9 lattice due to overlapping of communication with computation. The presented approach is suitable also for other cellular automata-ba...Show More
Objective of this paper is to numerically simulate thermal fluid flow using Lattice Boltzmann's method. D2Q9 model is used for simulation of 2D thermal fluid flow. Different thermal cases such as thermal Poisseuille flow, thermal couette flow are studied, along with conduction in metals with or without heat generation source within metal. Results produced from Lattice Boltzmann's method are compar...Show More
The modified two-step lattice Boltzmann scheme with central differences is proposed. It is shown that the scheme approximates the system of discrete Boltzmann equations with the second order on space variables, and with first order on time. Values of the Courant parameter for the scheme proposed and the values for the finite difference schemes presented in other studies are compared. The scheme sh...Show More
Multiscale modeling opens a new paradigm by providing a novel methodology of establishing molecular design criteria and potentially gives several order of magnitude advances in nano-technology. The head disk interface in hard disk drive system investigated here can be used as a benchmark for multiscale modeling. Our approach, stemmed from novel middle-out approach in modern multiscale modeling, us...Show More
This work presents a numerical study on the passive control of a fluid flow coupled with convective heat transfer by using the lattice Boltzmann method. The study focuses on simulating the fluid flow and temperature distribution around a heated square cylinder controlled by three partitions and placed in a two-dimensional channel (Figure 1) at a fixed Reynolds number (Re =160). The addition of the...Show More
In this paper, a new lattice Boltzmann model with a first order amending term is offered to solve the specialized Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. The governing equation can be recovered generally from the proposed Boltzmann equation based on the Chapman-Enskog expansion. The numerical results agree well with the exact solutions and it verifies that the presented lattice Boltzmann method is suitable...Show More
Flow in unsaturated soil or soil stimulant, under different gravity conditions is investigated using a numerical model to ascertain the extent to which the lattice Boltzmann model observed flow behavior under reduced and variable gravity conditions. The results of the simulations indicate that the bulk behavior of unsaturated flow is predicted well by lattice Boltzmann equation. For the case of an...Show More
To overcome the inefficiency of the traditional numerical methods that implement the anisotropic diffusion model for image denoising, a novel lattice Boltzmann model of anisotropic diffusion is presented in this paper. In the model, the diffusion rate is adapted to the image itself and independently set for each direction of diffusion. The mass accumulation is calculated through a weighted summati...Show More
This paper presents a novel approach to simulating turbulent flows by developing an adaptive multirelaxation scheme in the framework of lattice Boltzmann equation (LBE). Existing LBE methods in graphics simulations are usually insufficient for turbulent flows since the collision term disturbs the underlying stability and accuracy. We adopt LBE with the multiple relaxation time (MRT) collision mode...Show More
Incompressible flow simulations governed by the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes model are presented in this work. This set of nonlinear equations is approximated by the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). Numerical method is developed and implemented in both sequential and CUDA programs. The accuracy of numerical scheme is investigated by simulating two-dimensional duct flows that analytical solution ex...Show More
Gas migrating in goaf and congregating in upper corner result in gas over limit in upper corner which greatly influences coal mining safety. To explore the cause of upper corner gas over limit and control it, this paper provides Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) simulation of gas migration and control in goaf of fully mechanized coal caving mining face. After analyzing the characteristics of goaf, a ...Show More