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IEEE Xplore Search Results

Showing 1-25 of 4,674 resultsfor


This paper presents a state-of-health (SOH) estimation algorithm and hardware platform for lithium-ion batteries. Based on features obtained from the battery's electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), an artificial neural network (ANN)-based SOH algorithm is developed. EIS measurements collected at different aging levels are utilized to train and test the SOH estimation algorithm. The minimum...Show More
This paper discusses the frequency behavior of the impedance model fuel cell using the spectroscopy method. We used the “EIS Spectrum Analyser” software to view the influence of the different electrochemical components in the frequency domain. The frequency behavior is deducted by the Bode diagram or by the Nyquist plot. In this work, I focused on the impedance spectrum found by the Nyquist diagra...Show More
Operando Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy on a cycling battery involves several challenges. As the battery state is continuously changing during discharge/charge cycling, the fundamental stability criterion is not fulfilled, and certain drift of the impedance data is emerged. In the present study, an algorithm for the drift correction was developed for different sets of synthetic data. Vario...Show More
In an electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurement system, it needs to calculate the amplitude ratio between the reference signal and measured signal, which reqiures a divider. In this work, a chip, which cosists of peak detectors, a divider and other signal processing circuits, was proposed for the EIS measurement system. This chip is capable of obtaining the amplitude ratio of refere...Show More
It is demonstrated that a physical-based equivalent electrical circuit could be developed based on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) to describe electrochemical performance of a commercial Li1-xPO4-cathode, Li-ion cell. This model uses only EIS modeling and Fourier transform techniques to provide reasonably accurate voltage performance characteristics while providing insight into the ph...Show More
Lithium-ion capacitors (LICs) are utilized in various energy storage applications due to their wide operating temperature range, extended lifecycle, and higher power capability than lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). Understanding LIC degradation behavior is necessary for ensuring system reliability, performance, and lifetime. Unlike traditional methods, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) all...Show More
In our letter, we propose an impedimetric genosensor for the rapid and cost-effective detection of Campylobacter Jejuni (C. jejuni) for poultry infection monitoring for agri-food applications focusing on optimizing its specificity. The genosensor is based on gold electrodes functionalized with thiolated single-stranded DNA. The devices are characterized through electrochemical impedance spectrosco...Show More
During the last years the method of the Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy has been intensively developed. It is the most powerful electrochemical method, because of it unique ability to investigate the structure and the properties of the objects in a wide frequency range. The Capacitive Impedance Spectroscopy (CIS) is of special interest. The further development of this principle is given in ...Show More
Impedance spectroscopy (IS) involves measurements of impedance amplitudes, which often span more than six/seven decades. Currently available IS systems employ sophisticate front-ends to cope with this wide impedance range and, consequently, the cost of the measuring instrument greatly increases. This paper describes an alternative low-cost solution, which is based on a logarithmic front-end and on...Show More
In this letter, we present a label-free antimicrobial susceptibility test using non-Faradaic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (nF-EIS) as a viable method to rapidly quantify antibiotic resistance. Different antibiotic resistant strains of Shewanella oneidensis were used as a model bacteria to measure minimum inhibitory concentration of antibiotic, namely, kanamaycin needed to kill sufficient...Show More
The measurement model program from Watson and Orazem was used to analyze electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) data for sputtered iridium oxide film (SIROF) micro-electrodes at potentials ranging from -0.4 to 0.6 V (Ag/AgCl). The frequency range used for the analysis was that determined to be consistent with the Kramers–Kronig relations. In addition, frequencies at which the ohmic impedance...Show More
This work focuses on the analysis and detection of impedance changes in tomatoes using a wide-band Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) system. Homogeneous tomato samples were subjected to EIS testing over a period of 72 hours to monitor the impedance variations during this time. The designed wide-band EIS system applied a structured signal to the tomato samples with a wide frequency range...Show More
For the purpose of predicting the state of charge of Lithium-ion rechargeable battery accurately, we introduced the method of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to solve the problem. The experiment data of impedance spectroscopy is comprised of an inductive arc in the high-frequency region and two capacitive arcs in the low-frequency region, and by which the reasonable equivalent circuit of ba...Show More
This work proposes a new time-domain integration method to realize Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). Unlike traditional EIS systems which use a quadrature sinusoid stimulus, we propose a low-frequency, low-amplitude sinusoid stimulus, which is realized through a sinusoid DAC without the need for analog filter. The error caused by harmonic generation can be suppressed through integratio...Show More
Early diagnosis of hemolytic anemia, which often arises due to spherocytosis, is crucial for preventing severe health complications. This study demonstrates a possible approach to detect the condition by examining the electrochemical signatures of spherocyte suspensions. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) reveals distinct oxidation peaks at around 0.67 V for healthy discocytes and 0.72 V for spherocytes, wit...Show More
This paper presents characterization for equivalent circuit model (ECM) parameters variation for lithium-ion capacitor (LiC) under different voltage values. A set of experimentally obtained electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) data for LiC is fitted using the simplex algorithm to obtain the values for ECM parameters. The model-fit EIS data is compared with the measured EIS data to validate...Show More
This paper presents the EcoChip, a new system based on the state-of-the-art electro-chemical impedance (EIS) technologies allowing the growth of single strain organisms isolated from northern habitats. This portable system is a complete and autonomous wireless platform designed to monitor and cultivate microorganisms directly sampled from their natural environment, particularly from harsh northern...Show More
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, as a method for characterizing the impedance properties of materials, can be used to evaluate relative changes in particle size in nano-colloidal dispersions. By applying ultrasonic agitation for varying duration, we induce changes in particle size distribution, then measure the EIS response, including impedance magnitude and phase. The results are compared ...Show More
Nowadays, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy has become a quite familiar method because it brings important information regarding the processes that taking place at the interface between the electrode and the electrolyte solution. The main issue with this method is the veracity of the data obtained, because sometimes we get negative or the order of Teraohms values for resistances or in the cas...Show More
Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have become integral to modern energy solutions, yet their widespread usage poses challenges in end-of-life management and recycling. This study addresses these challenges by analyzing and repurposing used Lithium-iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) battery cells from electric vehicles. Through Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and cycle aging tests, battery health and...Show More
This paper presents a design for a fast measurement electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) system, which differs from the traditional single-frequency point calculation approach. The proposed system is capable of simultaneously measuring 23 frequency points within the frequency range of 1Hz-10KHz. Additionally, it has an impedance measurement range of 100$\omega$ - 1M$\omega$. The experiment...Show More
For the challenge of intricate the aging mechanism and the difficulty in measuring battery life, in-situ non-destructive diagnostic tests combined with Distribution of Relaxation Times (DRT) analysis capture the electrochemical process characteristics associated with time constants during battery cycle life. Subsequently, life prediction algorithm based on the Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) i...Show More
We investigate the effect of temperature on the time constants of Li-ion batteries (LIBs). Using the distribution of relaxation times (DRT), the time constants of three cylindrical Li-ion cells were determined. EIS (Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy) was conducted on the cells, and the measured impedance spectra were analyzed using DRT. The DRT analysis is usually formulated as a Ridge Regres...Show More
When the lead-acid battery is in actual use, not only does the charge and discharge chemical reaction occur inside the battery, but also many side reactions occur at the same time, which cause the irreversible consumption of lithium ions, making the battery capacity decline, and directly affecting the battery's charge and discharge capacity. Long-term use of the battery internal resistance increas...Show More