IEEE Xplore Search Results

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The development of large-scale field-programmable analog arrays (FPAAs) provides an excellent opportunity for expanding the capabilities of analog design courses and their laboratories. These devices allow the complete design and test cycle of an analog IC to be explored within the span of a single-term course without being limited to prefabricated integrated circuits. A brief discussion of the au...Show More

How to automate analog IC designs

L.R. Carley;R.A. Rutenbar

IEEE Spectrum
Year: 1988 | Volume: 25, Issue: 8 | Magazine Article |
Cited by: Papers (52)
Knowledge-based systems that have made the computer-aided design (CAD) of analog circuits feasible are discussed. The three systems-Idac, Oasys, and Opasyn-were formally announced in 1987. Although they differ widely in philosophy, all use common building blocks and produce sized-schematic diagrams showing how transistors, capacitors, and so forth are connected, complete with the components' value...Show More

How to automate analog IC designs

L.R. Carley;R.A. Rutenbar

Year: 1988 | Volume: 25, Issue: 8 | Magazine Article |
In recent years, there have been great advancements in the speed, power, and complexity of integrated circuits, such as application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) chips. Advances in integrated circuit technology have led to the birth and proliferation of a wide variety of integrated circuits, including but not limited to application specific integrated circuits, microcontrollers, digital signa...Show More
Meeting performance specifications in the design of analog and RF (A/RF) blocks and integrated circuits (IC) continues to require a high degree of skill, creativity, and expertise. However, today's A/RF designers are increasingly faced with a new challenge. Functional complexity in terms modes of operation, extensive digital calibration, and architectural algorithms is now overwhelming traditional...Show More
As complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technologies are scaled down into the nanometer range, a number of major nonidealities must be addressed and overcome to achieve a successful analog and physical circuit design. The nature of these nonidealities has been well reported in the technical literature. They include hot carrier injection and time-dependent dielectric breakdown effects lim...Show More
This panel discusses the following topics. With the ongoing trend towards more and more digitization in applications ranging from multimedia to telecommunications, there is a big debate about whether there will remain a need for analog circuits in scaled technologies. Analog circuits do not seem to take advantage of nanometer CMOS; rather they suffer from it. So if the question is asked "will anal...Show More
This paper describes a course offered in the Master program in Electrical and Computer Engineering of Instituto Superior Técnico. The course is on analog integrated circuit design in mixed analog-digital context and is named Analog Integrated Systems (AIS). The novelty of this course is that it is organized on a top-down-top approach that allows a uniform distribution of workload throughout the 14...Show More
The advantages and capabilities of module generators in the design of primitive analog circuit blocks have been previously demonstrated. The authors propose a framework for a knowledge-based design system which incorporates these module generators to develop higher-level functional blocks. They explore the viability of these concepts on a system that uses resistor- and op amp-generators.<>Show More
Design automation of analog circuits is becoming inevitable as CMOS technology scales, mainly because the extensive amount of design rule checks cannot be easily handled by manual analog design approaches. This paper presents a low-power 12-bit, 250MS/s digital-to-analog converter (DAC) completely implemented using standard digital design flows and automatic place and route (APR). This is a curren...Show More
Layout generation remains a critical bottleneck in analog circuit design. It is especially distracting when re-using an existing design for a similar specification or when transferring a working design to a new technology. This paper presents a new methodology for layout generation of analog circuits that is based on a modular circuit design and a so-called "executable design flow description". Th...Show More
Analog circuits are designed in fundamentally different ways than their counterparts in the digital domain. However, two major trends have made analog and digital circuits mix and co-exist. First, high-performance analog circuits use digital parts and vice versa. Second, the desire for new features, ease of use and reducing integration costs brings together more digital, analog and RF circuits in ...Show More
The rapid growth of Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications necessitates the development of cost-effective solutions and accelerated design cycles. While digital circuit design has witnessed significant automation, analog design still heavily relies on experienced engineers. To bridge this gap, synthesizable solutions that integrate digital and analog design automation are crucial for efficient IoT ...Show More
Alternatives to traditional full-custom analog/mixed-signal application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) are described. These novel approaches apply many of the concepts of deep-submicrometer digital structured arrays and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) to analog design and fabrication methodologies. Field- and mask-programmable analog architectures are compared and contrasted to the lo...Show More
This paper describes a project course that focuses on the design of analog and mixed signal circuits through a systematic top down design flow. In the project, the student will be involved in the planning, modeling, circuit level design, physical level implementation and measurement verification of for example a successive approximation (SA) ADC or a class-D audio amplifier. Throughout the project...Show More
Analog and mixed-signal CAD looks like a nice success story: there's been significant research in building design automation tools since the late 80's, and commercial tools have been on the market for several years now. However, the majority of AMS (analog/mixed-signal) designers still use manual design only, focused around the SPICE simulator. So why are designers not or slowly adopting these CAD...Show More
Optimization-based design automation for analog ICs still remains behind the demands. A promising alternative is given by procedural approaches such as parameterized generators, also known as PCells. We are working on a complete analog design flow based on parameterized generators for entire circuits and corresponding layout modules. Because the conventional programming of such enhanced generators...Show More
Analog design is a bottleneck in the design of integrated circuits. A recently proposed method to cope with the complexity of analog design is the use of a multi-objective bottom- up flow, which makes use of the concept of Pareto-optimal front (POF) to capture performance trade-offs of analog components, and through which these can be exploited during top-down design of a complex (hierarchically-w...Show More
In this paper, we present an empirical method for efficient analog design retargeting by combining design knowledge reuse and circuit synthesis. The method first decomposes the source system into circuit blocks and extracts the performance parameter specifications of each circuit block. Then, it scales each circuit block and defines a design space in the target technology. Subsequently, each circu...Show More
Fast analog circuit design and rapid prototyping is increasingly required in mixed-signal designs to keep pace with the digital part in order to meet stringent time to market constraints. In order to achieve these goals heavy reliance on analog design automation and prototyping platforms is required. This paper presents an analog circuit multiobjective design methodology combined with a reconfigur...Show More
In this paper, we discuss some of the most pressing challenges in low-power analog circuit design for sub-28nm technologies. A design methodology suitable for deep submicron low-power analog design is first described. Using the proposed figure of merit, several technologies as they scale down towards 28nm are compared. This is followed by a discussion of some of the issues that are unique to 28nm ...Show More
We present an analog design framework for circuit sizing selection using neural networks. The proposed automated deep learning (ADL) platform uses neural networks (NN) as a differentiable surrogate model for circuit performance to model the nonlinear and high dimensional relationships between sizing performance and circuit performance in analog circuits. Gradient-based constrained optimization is ...Show More
Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms have vast application prospects in the field of analog circuit design. This paper introduces an AI algorithm-based assisted system for analog circuit design. The system adopts a modular architecture, including modules such as user interface, data processing, algorithms, simulation, and knowledge base, realizing functions such as automated design, parameter o...Show More
This paper presents the sizing rules method for basic building blocks in analog CMOS and bipolar circuit design. It consists of the development of a hierarchical library of transistor-pair groups as basic building blocks for analog CMOS and bipolar circuits, the derivation of a hierarchical generic list of constraints that must be satisfied to guarantee the function and robustness of each block, a...Show More

Trends in CAD of analog ICs

B.A.A. Antao

IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine
Year: 1996 | Volume: 12, Issue: 5 | Magazine Article |
Cited by: Papers (15)
This article presents views on the current trends in the field of computer-aided design (CAD) of analog integrated circuits (ICs), as gathered from a broad survey. The survey was conducted across various academic institutions and semiconductor industries, as well as government research funding agencies. The survey requested in-depth responses and the results were qualitative in nature, therefore, ...Show More

Trends in CAD of analog ICs

B.A.A. Antao

Year: 1996 | Volume: 12, Issue: 5 | Magazine Article |