IEEE Xplore Search Results

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LMS adaptive filtering algorithm is widely used in adaptive control system. To a certain extent the variable step size LMS algorithm can solve the conflict between convergence rate and steady-state error. It is difficult for the traditional LMS to solve. A new variable step size LMS adaptive algorithm based on the existing algorithm is proposed in this paper. By using the gradient of the filter co...Show More
This paper first derives Biphase Error Algorithm (BiPhEA) using a “biphase function” and then proposes Adaptive Step-Size Biphase Error Newton Algorithm (ABENA) for adaptive filters in the complex-number domain with a Gaussian regressor. We present a stochastic model called Contaminated Gaussian Noise (CGN) for impulsive observation noise found at the filter output. To improve the filter convergen...Show More
In another way of a variable step-size adaptive algorithm for an adaptive IIR notch filter, it is proposed in this paper. For the proposed algorithm, the step-size parameter will be adapted based on error autocorrelation criterion governed by gradient accumulation function. With such a scheme, the algorithm is insensitive in several SNR input environments in order that it provides high convergent ...Show More
This paper proposes improved combined step-size sign subband adaptive filter (ICSS-SSAF) algorithms with variable mixing factors robust to non-Gaussian noises such as impulsive noise. The CSS scheme is adopted to resolve a trade-off problem of step size in the SSAF, combining two adaptive filters with a large step size for a fast convergence rate and a small step size for low steady-state misalign...Show More
In this paper, we propose new low-complexity variable step-size version of the variable step-size partial rank algorithm for adaptive channel equalization. Computational complexity of presented algorithm is reduced through selective partial update of the filter coefficient vector. Simulation results demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed algorithms in attenuating noise and intersymbol interfer...Show More
Maximum Correntropy Criteria (MCC) based adaptive algorithm with adaptive step size is proposed. Here the adaptive step size is based on minimization of Mean square Deviation (MSD) error to obtain improve performance in terms of speed and error. The algorithm is tested by suitable simulations used for system identification problem.Show More
This paper proposes an adaptation algorithm named Adaptive Step-Size q-Normalized Least Mean Modulus-Newton Algorithm (ASS-qNLMM-NewtonA) in which the normalizing factor is a generalized norm called “q-norm” of the filter input. Two types of impulse noise are considered: one is found in observation noise and another at filter input. Analysis of the ASS-qNLMM-NewtonA is developed to theoretically c...Show More
The use of two simple and robust variable step-size approaches in the adaptation process of the Normalized Least Mean Square (NLMS) algorithm (VSS-NLMS) in the adaptive channel equalization is investigated. The NLMS algorithm with a fixed step-size (FSS-NLMS) usually results in a trade-off between the residual error and the convergence speed of the algorithm. It is proved by computer simulation th...Show More
The relation between the convergence speed and the steady-state Mean Square Error (MSE) during the update of the estimation of a weights vector by an optimization algorithm is a fundamental issue for a good performance of adaptive filters. Thus, in the context of optimization algorithms based on stochastic gradient descent, in this paper a new version of the Normalized Least Mean Square (NLMS) alg...Show More
Recently a framework has been introduced within which a large number of classical and modern adaptive filter algorithms can be viewed as special cases. Variable Step-Size (VSS) normalized least mean square (VSSNLMS) and VSS Affine Projection Algorithms (VSSAPA) are two particular examples of the adaptive algorithms that can be covered by this generic adaptive filter. In this paper, we introduce a ...Show More
Data Distribution Management (DDM) is one of the most critical component of any large-scale interactive distributed simulation systems. The aim of DDM is to reduce and control the volume of information exchanged among the simulated entities (federates) in a large-scale distributed simulation system. In order to fulfill its goal, a considerable amount of DDM messages needs to be exchanged within th...Show More
For a network canceler, whose input is mainly speech, the proportionate affine projection algorithm (PAPA) is expected to present faster convergence speed than the existing proportionate NLMS algorithms. However, the performance criteria of fast convergence speed conflicts with low steady-state misalignment when a constant step-size parameter is applied. In this article we introduce a variable ste...Show More
In acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) applications, where the acoustic echo paths are extremely long, the adaptive filter works most likely in an under-modeling situation. Most of the adaptive algorithms for AEC were derived assuming an exact modeling scenario, so that they do not take into account the under-modeling noise. In this letter, a variable step-size normalized least-mean-square (VSS-NLMS)...Show More
Maximum power points tracking (MPPT) techniques are widely utilized in photovoltaic (PV) systems to operate at the peak power of PV array which depends on solar and ambient temperature. In this paper, a novel piecewise adaptive step MPPT algorithm is proposed to track MPP by automatically adjusting the step. This algorithm combines the advantages of adaptive step MPPT and partition control MPPT al...Show More
There is a contradiction in classical adaptive filtering algorithm that fast convergence speed comparing with low steady state error. In order to improve this contradiction, this paper presents a new non-parametric Variable Step-Size NLMS algorithm. The new algorithm uses gradient vector's features to achieve the step iteration and a certain approximation process was made for it. Software simulati...Show More
A adaptive array antenna system consisting of antenna array and adaptive processor can easily control directivity patterns, by enhance the desired signal and suppress interference signal. The classical LMS has a contradiction that fast convergence rate and low steady state error. In order to overcome this contradiction, this paper presents a new algorithm which uses gradient vector features to ach...Show More
To solve the problem that it is difficult to determine the learning rate when training a neural network model, this paper proposes an improved adaptive algorithm based on the Barzilai-Borwein (BB) step size. In this paper, the new algorithm accelerates the model's training through the second-order momentum and adapts the learning rate according to the BB step size. We also set an adequate range fo...Show More
The wavelet transforms domain LMS algorithm is integrated with variable step-size LMS algorithm and BLMS algorithm, from which a new wavelet transforms domain variable step-size BLMS adaptive algorithm is presented. The algorithm has advantages of the above three algorithms, it can reduce the cross-correlation of input signals effectively and can overcome the conflict between high convergence rate...Show More
This paper proposes a novel individual variable step-size subband adaptive filter algorithm robust to impulsive noises. A fixed step-size subband adaptive filter algorithm that is robust against impulsive noises is newly derived by obtaining the optimal solution from a constrained optimization problem through the Lagrange multiplier. In addition, in order to further improve the convergence perform...Show More
In this paper, Adaptive Step-Size Recursive Least Biphase Errors Algorithm (ARBEA) is proposed, employing a new “biphase function.” Results of analysis and experiments demonstrate its effectiveness in making adaptive filters fast convergent and robust against impulsive observation noise.Show More
Herein, we propose a normalized subband adaptive filter (NSAF) algorithm that adjusts both the step size and regularization parameter. Based on the random-walk model, the proposed algorithm is derived by minimizing the mean-square deviation of the NSAF at each iteration to calculate the optimal parameters. We also propose a method for estimating the uncertainty in an unknown system. Consequently, ...Show More
A 0.6-V 100-mA fully-integrated digital low-dropout regulator (DLDO) with adaptive current step size control is presented in this paper. By dividing the main power PMOSs into ten blocks with different unit-cell sizes, the proposed DLDO can turn-on/-off small power PMOSs in light load and large ones in heavy load conditions. High regulation accuracy in a wide load range and fast transient response ...Show More
The adaptive algorithm has been widely used in the digital signal processing like channel estimation, channel equalization, echo cancellation, and so on. One of the most important adaptive algorithms is the LMS algorithm. The step size in the LMS algorithm decides both the convergence speed and the residual error level. The variable step-size LMS algorithm (VS LMS algorithm) is adapted for obtaini...Show More
In this paper, a new class of adaptive step-size control algorithm for a second-order adaptive IIR notch filter based on lattice form structure for detection of sinusoids in noise environment is introduced. The proposed algorithm is adjusting by the new gradient signal, the new autocorrelation of output signal and the new autocorrelation of the error signal to control the step-size of the algorith...Show More
Constant step size least mean square (CSS-LMS) is one of the most popular adaptive beamforming algorithms. However, for varying channel signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs), the CSS algorithms are not effective, and there is a need for variable step size (VSS) algorithms. The VSS algorithms provide extremely deep nulls for the interferences; however, they are complex to implement on hardware. Hence, this...Show More