1 Introduction
XML is a de facto standard as a markup language for structuring documents and their exchange in electronic forms, and its applications such as SVG, X3D, VoiceXML, and SMIL have been developed to capture more multimedia information. However, as application areas are enlarging, we encounter more restrictions of XML for coping with various requirements. For example, in XML, we cannot use conventional data constructors such as set and tuple constructors, and object identities, for embedding database information into XML. Further, the data structure (well-formedness) of XML is too narrow for describing various information such as circular or overlapped data, and semantic hyper-structure. In this paper, we discuss semantic extensions of XML for coping with advanced applications with the above requirements. As HyTime[7] is a semantic extension of SGML for treating multimedia information, our approach seems to be similar with it but our target is different from it.