I. Introduction
Polar Codes, as the first provable capacity-achieving channel codes that are strictly proved in binary discrete memoryless channel, have attracted extensive attention because of their low coding and decoding complexity. The decoder design of polar codes has been the focus of the current research. In general, decoding algorithms of polar codes have successive cancellation (SC) algorithm [1], successive cancellation list (SCL) algorithm [2] and belief propagation (BP) algorithm [3]. But in the case of finite length, the performance of successive cancellation (SC) algorithm is not ideal. Compared to the inherently serial SC algorithm, SCL algorithm improves the error performance of polar code by sacrificing computation complexity and storage space. However, due to the inheritance of the SC algorithm, SCL algorithm suffers from high delay. Under low delay conditions, BP algorithm can achieve better error performance than SC algorithm. But compared to SCL decoding, BP algorithm still has a certain performance gap.