I. Introduction
Monitoring human sweat in daily life attracts attention nowadays because human sweat includes a lot of information, for example neuropathy, heatstroke, dehydration, etc [1, 2] . To measure human sweat, a humidity sensor is needed. There are two types of humidity sensors: resistor-type and capacitor-type. A resistor-type humidity sensor typically has a small size but its accuracy is not enough for monitoring human sweat. Therefore, we propose a human sweat monitoring system based on capacitor-type humidity sensor for wearable applications. This system is based on the first proto-type design of human sweat monitoring system presented in [3, 4] , which achieves a compact size with equivalent accuracy compared to the conventional sweat sensor of SKN-2000 [5]. However, the last design of monitoring system did not integrate time-to-digital converter (TDC) nor a thermal-sensor since it was just the first proto-type. Thus, the previous design requires off-chip TDC and thermos sensor which are realized on a FPGA board.