I. Introduction
MODERN technology has evolved hops and bounds over the years. From hand written letters to telephonic operators manually connecting the calls to cellular phones, video calls to smart phones, the development has been tremendous[1]-[3]. But with the advent of those new innovations, the susceptibility of the users to an attack of privacy has also increased. Thus, the necessity to have more security and reliable forms of communication is now a need more than ever[4]-[7]. Cryptography plays a major role in communication because it not only helps in protection of data, but also ensures the integrity and validation of messages. Cryptography basically deals with encryption and decryption[8]-[10]. [11]-[12] Encryption is the process of converting a plaintext message to a cipher text message and vice-versa is applicable for decryption. [12] Cryptography consists of two types, Asymmetric key cryptography which is also known as public key cryptography and symmetric key cryptography which is also known as private key cryptography.