I. Introduction
Engineering applications like Big Data, remote sensing, unmanned vehicles, robotics, signal and image processing, and machine learning, to name a few, all have something in common. They all typically require the intelligent combining (aka fusion) of multiple sources. Here, the term source is used to refer to the “generator” of data or information, e.g., sensors, humans and/or algorithms. In general, the idea of fusion is to obtain a “better” result than if we only used the individual inputs. However, better is not a well defined concept. In some applications, better might mean taking a set of inputs and reducing them into a single result that can be more efficiently or effectively used for visualization. Better could also refer to obtaining more desirable properties such as higher information content or lower conflict. In areas like machine learning and pattern recognition, theories that power the majority of engineering applications mentioned above, better often refers to some desirable property like more robust and generalizable solutions (e.g., classifiers). Regardless of the task at hand or the particular application, fusion is a core tool at the heart of numerous modern scientific thrusts.